Two takeaways from being judged so hard

In today's episode, I share a recent interaction that left me with two important lessons. While I often discuss personal events, remember that these scenarios are just examples that can be connected to your own experiences, making life lighter and more blissful.

As summer winds down, I know many of you have navigated the chaos of vacations and family life. With three kids in tow, summer has been anything but dull for me, but I'm grateful for the memories created. Reflecting on moments like a lakeside retreat and time spent at Cape Cod, I realized how valuable authenticity is, especially after an amusing 'Pretty Woman' moment at a high-end store.

Picture This:

I was walking into a chic store looking for a bathing suit, and the young saleswoman immediately mentioned their sole expensive option with a look that said even more than her words. Despite the unexpected judgmental vibe, this encounter brought forth two valuable lessons:

We're All Subject to Judgment

The reality is, people are always forming opinions, whether intentional or not. While I often preach that people are consumed with their own lives, they're still making assumptions about us. However, this can be liberating. Let's own our authentic selves since judgment is inevitable. Just be you, unapologetically.

Never Assume Others' Priorities

The experience reminded me of a crucial business lesson. Just as I questioned why the saleswoman presumed I couldn't afford the bathing suit, we often assume what people are willing to pay for our products or services. Never undervalue your offerings based on what you think people might spend. Everyone places value differently.

As we embrace this new season, remember that we have the power to shape how we're perceived and valued. So, be genuine, and let's stop assuming what others are willing to invest in. Value yourself and your business for the transformation and expertise you provide, not by what you think others will pay. Speaking of business, if you're looking to amplify your entrepreneurial journey, check out my Abundant Business program, where growth and support thrive.

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