Step by step: How to change your thoughts

I want to share with you an incredible concept that has completely changed my perspective on life – the hierarchy of thoughts and how they directly impact our results. It's called the self-coaching model, and it has allowed me to realize the incredible potential hidden within my mind. In this blog, I'll take you through the power of my thoughts and how I learned to navigate the ladder of beliefs to achieve profound personal growth.


The Power of My Beliefs

My dad used to quote a saying that has stayed with me throughout my life: "If you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you're right."

I've come to realize that this is more than just positive thinking; it's the way our brains work. Our thoughts shape our beliefs, which, in turn, influence our actions and ultimately determine our results.

Challenging Limiting Beliefs

I've often caught myself saying things like, "I can't do it," or "It's impossible for me." These limiting beliefs held me back from reaching my full potential. But with the self-coaching model in mind, I began to see these beliefs as a starting point for growth.Body Image

Climbing My Thought Ladder

I envisioned a ladder, and I knew that to change my results, I had to start at the bottom rung – where my negative beliefs resided. For instance, I once believed, "I could never eat 120 grams of protein a day." But that was just the beginning of my journey.

I started climbing up the thought ladder step by step, being curious and exploratory along the way. I asked myself, "Is it possible to eat 120 grams of protein a day?" and "How could I do that?" These questions opened my mind to new possibilities and solutions.

As I climbed higher on the thought ladder, I found myself thinking, "Maybe it's possible to eat 120 grams of protein a day." This shift in perspective ignited a fire within me. I started brainstorming various ways to make it happen.

Finally, I reached the top rung of the thought ladder. My belief transformed from "I can't" to "I could definitely eat 120 grams of protein every day." This powerful self-belief spurred me into action, and I began taking concrete steps to achieve my goal.

I learned that our brains respond to the thoughts we feed them. When I believed in my capabilities, my brain searched for evidence to support that belief. It's a beautiful symbiotic relationship – my thoughts shape my brain, and my brain shapes my reality.