Abundant Body is starting SOON so stay tuned. This program is a GAME CHANGER! Reserve your spot below!

Let's drop the body bullshit ladies!

I've been there! It sucks. It's time for a coach.

I'm here to help. Let's have some fun along the way!


Is this you? Motivated've tried everything but still not happy with where you're at?

Sometimes this is how it shows up...

  • You feel like life will be so much easier when you finally lose the weight.
  • Stepping on the scale dictates your mood/actions for the day. If you're up = pissed off then beat yourself up and restrict. If you're down = happy but also scared to go back up! 
  • ​Try on 5 different outfits before deciding on the most flattering...but still not psyched about how you look.
  • "I SHOULD workout" or "I SHOULDN'T eat that" are on replay in your brain. 
  • You feel stuck in body & mind.
  • You feel judged. 
  • You only see your "flaws". You are your own worst critic.
  • Exercise feels like a chore and salads (or insert diet here) are just the path to weight loss. 
  • You don't feel good in your skin.

Do any of those things sound familiar?

Ready to call in a pro?!  

Here I am!!!

A few words from past clients who have experienced real results...

"Lost weight, gained energy, found what foods were good for me. Gained body confidence. Ditched processed foods. Learned new recipes. Listened to helpful podcasts. Read motivational books. Learned to decompress easier by journaling and meditation. Found what fitness worked well for me (boot camps , strength classes, Pilates), learned to have a more positive mentality about myself and my body. Negative thoughts don’t sit with me for a long time like they used to. The thoughts come and go. The mind work is the biggest change. I’m a happier person and less of an over thinker."
- Katie D


"One of the first things I learned when starting to eat well/ work on nutrition is that it’s important to have support and someone to learn from and look up to- that is what Meagan has been for me. Anyone can learn to count macros or force themselves to workout, but when it’s fun and becomes a lifestyle and something you look forward to, that’s when everything changes. Meagan’s approach is so positive and encouraging, and most importantly she makes you feel human. She’s “been there”, and when you F things up, she encourages you in a positive way to make better choices and move on. can, She’s not about fad diets or quick fixes, but about real food, do-able recipes, and a positive vibe. She shows that even with a crazy busy schedule, it is possible to live a healthy lifestyle"
- Rachel D.


"As a new mom, my body has been through the ringer. I came to Meagan looking for help losing my postpartum weight and improving my energy level and she absolutely helped me get there. Meagan brought me back to the fundamentals of eating healthier and re-framing my outlook on food. I now think twice before I make an unhealthy decision, but I don't beat myself up if I want to splurge because we gotta live right?!  Meagan's approach is realistic, sustainable and not intimidating at all.  Extra kudos to her for also getting my husband to cut back on his red meat intake - never thought I'd see the day!"
- M.B.

I am a certified Life Coach, Health & Wellness Coach, fitness instructor, podcaster, plus proud wife and mama of three little girls. Listen, life is FULL. Let's not waste time obsessing about food,  counting calories and falling down a rabbit hole of body negativity. Let's simplify your life when it comes to food & fitness. Let's reach your goals, reset your body and release the stress that comes along with "dieting".  I have created this results based program for the busy woman who has tried it all. An abundant mindset is the key to all of it. You've got this 100% and I'm SO excited to work with you!


50% Complete

Two Step

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